Carabella Early Learning Centre | Toddler Room
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Toddler Room

Our toddler educators maintain the sensory play offered in the nursery, extending children’s vocabulary as they play. Early social skills are a huge part of this age group as they learn to take turns, share equipment and regulate their emotions.

Small groups at mealtimes help toddlers to choose, self-feed and have consistent interactions with an educator. We have conversations about food while children try new things. Some children begin toilet training in consultation with families. Educators use gentle words, calm voices and maintain children’s privacy.


This framework conveys the highest expectations for all children’s learning from birth to five years through the following five learning outcomes.


Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity.

Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world.

Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.

Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners.

Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators.

These outcomes acknowledge that children learn in a variety of ways and vary in their capabilities and pace of learning.

Educators in the toddler room therefore plan for each child as an individual respecting culture and family life, ability, interests, skills, gender as well as numerous other contributing factors.

The educators in the toddler room use a monthly web based program display which consists of activities that have been planned based on a child’s initial interest, teacher directed experiences, spontaneous experiences, group learning projects, developmental follow ups, parent feedback and suggestions and community involvement

Carabella's Philosophy

Carabella’s Philosophy, as well as many other developmental theorists and the Early Years Learning Framework state that:

Play is a context for learning

Therefore as an example, some activities that you may see programmed could include sand play, building with blocks, dramatic play, sensory play, art experiences, language and literacy experiences, puzzles, construction, music and movement, obstacle courses and ball throwing

All planned activities will contribute to your child’s development and learning journey at Carabella.

Focus Groups

When your child commences their journey at Carabella they will be assigned a focus teacher.

This focus teacher will be the person responsible to programming and documenting your child’s learning in the Toddler Room.

Our aim is for your child to experience comfort, continuity and security while they are at Carabella; the appointment of a primary focus teacher fosters the development of trusting, responsive and reciprocal relationships between your child and the caregiver.

Your child will be allocated their focus teacher based on the days which they attend the service.

  • Your child’s learning journey at Carabella is documented in two primary forms:
    A daily journal containing photos and short descriptions of what your child has been engaged in throughout the day.
  • Your child will also have an individualised portfolio that showcases their interests and learning during their time in the toddler room.

the routine

These times are a guide only and are always flexible in response to the changing needs, individual routines and developmental needs of the children within the junior pre school room.


7:00am   Centre Opens. Children are offered breakfast, as well as eased into the morning through quiet stories and experiences with carers and other children.

7:45am   Breakfast is packed away.

8:00am   Children are transitions to their rooms for the day. They are encouraged to participate in a group experience which usually consists of singing, stories, finger puppets, rhymes, music and dancing.

8:15am   Children then transition to indoor play which consist of planned and spontaneous experiences.   These experiences are designed to assist children to strengthen and develop their abilities.

9:40am   Children are encouraged to help pack away basics items. They are then encouraged to participate in a group experience which usually consists of singing, stories, finger puppets, rhymes, music and dancing.

10:00am   Children are encouraged to wash their hands and have some morning tea. Children are given a variety of fresh fruits and toasts and milk/water, and are encouraged to use their self-help skills to feed themselves.

10:15am   After Morning Tea children continue with their play and learning and are given the option of playing outdoors (weather permitting) or indoors.

11:15am   Children are encouraged to help pack away basics items. They are then encouraged to participate in a group experience which usually consists of singing, stories, finger puppets, rhymes, music and dancing.

11.30 am   Children are separated into three groups.

Two groups sit at the tables in the little toddler room and one table go to the dining room (as a step to help make transitioning to the Toddlers Room easier).

These small groups allow for many reflective practices by the children as they discuss and think about experiences they did that morning.

Children are encouraged to use their self-help skills to feed themselves. Children sleep/rest on their beds whilst listening to quiet classical and sleep music.

As children wake up, they are encouraged to sit quietly with their carers and listen to stories, or choose quieter activities as a way to wake up gradually.

1:30pm   Children help to put their shoes on, and discuss importance of wearing hats outdoors. The door is open, and children can choose to play outside or move indoors to continue their learning and play.

3:00pm   Progressive Afternoon Tea begins outdoors.
Children choose when they eat and are not interrupted from their play all at the same time. Children are given a variety of fresh fruits and toasts and milk/water, and are again encouraged to use their self-help skills to feed themselves.

3:45pm  Children transition indoors to participate in a group experiences. This consists of singing, stories, finger puppets, rhymes, dancing and music.  Children then continue their learning and play indoors. Experiences from the morning can be offered if children have expressed much interest (through observations and conversations at lunch), as well as some new provisions to create a further stimulating environment

4:45pm   Children are encouraged to help pack away basics items. They are then encouraged to participate in a group experience which usually consists of singing, stories, finger puppets, rhymes, music and dancing.  After this the Nursery and the Little Toddlers combine for the rest of the evening.

5:15pm  Late Afternoon Snack is offered to each child.

5:30pm  Quiet activities and stories take place, allowing children to relax after a busy day.

6:00pm   Centre Closes.

Want a tour?

We offer a Centre tour about once a month, with more frequent visits towards the end of the year when we offer places for the following year. Simply click the register button to find out more.